There's a lot we can do. To get the juices flowing, one possibility is that the various ipodder clients could offer "Add to GigaDial" or "Recommend on GigaDial" buttons that link in with podcast information. Details below.
Here are the URL endpoints for linking in:
URL | Accepts args | Use it for |
---|---|---| | *station_id, url, feed, title, description, guid, guidispermalink | Add an episode to GigaDial. station_id is required, so more likely you'll use one of the endpoints below... | | url, feed, title, description, guid, guidispermalink | Pick a station to add an individual podcast (episode) to. If your software has a view that lists individual episodes, that view could link here from each episode ("Add this episode to GigaDial"). When the user picks a station, we'll pass along the episode info we got from your app. | | feed*, station_id | Select upcoming episodes from a feed. If your software has a view that lists podcasters, that view could link here ("Add an episode from this podcaster to Gigadial"). |
Here's a description of the URL arguments:
url is the url of the episode's media file that is being added
feed is the url of the RSS feed in which the episode was found
title is the title of the episode, e.g. the contents of the RSS title element
description is a description of the episode, e.g. the contents of the RSS description element
station_id is the GigaDial station id, e.g. 1965 for Matthew's Inbox
guid is the RSS 2.0 guid element for the episode
guidispermalink is the isPermaLink attribute of the RSS 2.0 guid element for the episode
url, feed, title, description and guid are strings, and the values for these should be url encoded. guid can be empty, true or false. station_id should be a positive integer.