Station feed: ![]() Created by: Cesar Brea |
Created on: 29 Apr 2005 Language: English |
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SoccerGossip.comShow#4-10-19-05 (15.31MB; download) -- SoccerGossip.comShow#4 on October 19th, 2005. The English Premier League is back, so BeatleManU does his usual roundup of the weekends fixtures. Added to that, Champions League Matchday 3 and a roundup of European World Cup Qualifiers, we have quite a big show!!! Selected by: Soccer Gossip [ stations ], Sat, 22 Oct 2005 21:03:51 UTC
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Thomas Barnett at Poptech 2004 (14.68MB; download) -- Really interesting and entertaining lecture based on his book "The Pentagon's New Map", which has been extremely influential in defense circles these past few years. Helps me frame why I spend time on .LRN Selected by: Cesar Brea [ stations ], Fri, 20 May 2005 17:42:00 UTC
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Diez Anos en una Hora: Historia, Presente, y Futuro del Proyecto de Codigo Abierto .LRN (19.52MB; download) -- I gave this talk, in Spanish, on May 10 2005 at the first annual Foro Hispanico de .LRN in Madrid. It covers the history of the project, current situation, future plans, obstacles and solutions, and lessons learned. It's my first podcast. Selected by: Cesar Brea [ stations ], Wed, 18 May 2005 17:21:10 UTC
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Jeffrey Rayport: Tech Nation (9.63MB; download) -- Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with Jeffrey Rayport, a former professor at Harvard Business School and author of "Best Face Forward -- Why Companies Must Improve their Service Interfaces with Customers." He taught their first e-Commerce class and originated the concept of "viral marketing." Now, he talks about how humans can emotionally connect with technology and buy, buy, buy! (Or if the tech is wrong, they won't, won't, won't.) [Tech Nation audio on IT Conversations] Selected by: Cesar Brea [ stations ], Fri, 29 Apr 2005 16:02:24 UTC